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For Families

Health Care Provider Videos Follow at the Bottom of This Page


How To Hand Express

French How to Hand Express

Spanish How to Hand Express

Prenatal Hand Expression

What to Know Before Birth

The Hand Expression Kit Instructions

When Does it Get Easier?

The First Few Days After Birth

A Special Message for Families With a Premature Baby

How to Calm Your Baby

A Family Shares Their Experience

How to Latch Your Baby

Baby’s Experience With Birth

Troubleshooting-Pain With Feeding

Naida’s Story

How to Know if You Have a Good Latch

Before Demand Feeding

Are You Scared You Wont Have Enough Milk?

How We Make Milk

For Health Care Providers

Patient Populations For Prenatal Hand Expression

Benefits of Prenatal Hand Expression

How We Use This in Our Practice Part 2

How We Use This in Our Practice Part 1



The Power of The First Hour/Team Approach


How We Became Advocates of Hand Expression

How to Hand Express

Where to Start in Your Own Practice

Naida Explains The Kit